Thursday, February 14, 2013

Honeydew Melon Properties

Honeydew Melon Cucumis melo

To my surprise, there is not much information on the magical properties of honeydew melon.  So I’ve took it upon myself to get some information out there on this delicious melon, because I’ve found it has a host of magickal benefits.  This is taken from my personal herbal grimoire, and I hope you enjoy!

Magical Properties:  fertility, love, beauty, youth, longevity, abundance, lunar magic

Element: Water

Planet: Moon, Venus

Energy: Receptive/Yin/Feminine

Day of the Week: Monday, Friday

Magickal Uses

  • Place a whole honeydew melon on the altar to represent the moon during Esbats.  At the end of the ritual, a portion can be eaten as communion/cakes and ale, and the rest given as an offering to the Goddess.
  • The seeds are plentiful and attract abundance.  They can be used in conjure bags, talismans, or placed on the altar  Alternately, you can take a handful of seeds and throw them into the air, asking the wind to turn in your favor and blow in an abundance of whatever it is you want.
  • The honeydew can symbolize the pregnant belly of the Goddess, and can be eaten to ensure fertility and a healthy pregnancy.  If you are allergic to honeydew and cannot eat it, you can bury some seeds at the base of a tree for this purpose.
  • Seeds can be strung together to make a necklace to draw in beauty, youth and longevity.
  • To ensure a happy and loving relationship, place in a red conjure bag a seed for each letter of your lovers name plus each letter of your own.  
  • To draw in love, cut a honeydew in half and scoop out the contents (which can be eaten or given as an offering).  Write your wish on a piece of paper and stick it inside the bowl.  Cover with other love-drawing herbs and float the rind in a body of water.  (Note: if it sinks, there’s too much fruit left on the rind, but it doesn't lessen the potency of the spell, so don’t be discouraged.)

Hopefully you found this useful! If you have any other uses for the honeydew or have any questions, comment below!

Here is my other site that is a major work-in-progress: Radioactive Grimoire
And here's a link to my shop, another major WIP!: Radioactive Muse

Thanks for stopping by, I hope to have another herb up for you next Thursday!

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