Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Color Correspondences

Basic Color Correspondences are written below to help aid you in your magical workings.  These apply to candles, cord magic, and even artwork.  It is always best to meditate upon each color and come up with your own set of colour correspondences, because colour is personal to each individual.

These are my personal correspondences from my Book of Shadows and are copyrighted to me.  If you wish to put them on your personal site, state where you got it and provide a link back to this page.  Thank you!


Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Energy: Active/Yang

Red is the color of blood and therefore, of the life force.  It represents all things that get the blood pumping, such as passion, anger, war, love, lust, sex, courage, vigor, respect, strength, power and exercise.  It is a colour of authority, strength of will, and brute force.  While red does represent love, it represents more the physical manifestation of any kind of love (instead of, say, emotional love).  The "negative" qualities of the color red include acting without thought, anger issues, impulsive decisions, etc.

Pink is associated with the heart and romantic love, since pink is the combination of red and white.


Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Energy: Active/Yang

Orange is the color of abundance, happiness, thankfulness and creativity.  It is also a colour of change.  Light shades of orange represent joy, happiness and creativity.  Sunset orange is connect to change, time and to new experiences.  Pumpkin orange is associated with autumn, Mabon, Lammas and Samhain.  Pumpkin orange also represents change, as well as abundance and gratitude.


Planet: Mercury, Sun
Element: Air
Energy: Active/Yang

Yellow is the color of communication in all forms, travel (particularly in airplanes), creativity, writing, intelligence, mental health, artistic pursuits, knowledge, study and the mind.  Yellow symbolizes the wind that is easily blown through all parts of the world, which is why it is connected to travel, swiftness, thought and knowledge.


Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Energy: Receptive/Yin

Green is the colour of the plants and trees, and therefore represents growth, nourishment, responsibility, abundance, prosperity, wealth, beauty, physical health, strong foundations, compassion, stability, and motherly love.  Green also represents rejuvenation, growth and rebirth.  Stubbornness and envy are also linked to the colour green.


Planet: Neptune
Element: Water
Energy: Receptive/Yin

Blue is the colour of the expansive ocean, and symbolizes the fathomless depths of our mind, intuition, and emotion.  Blue helps expand our mind, not through what we see or hear in the world, but through how we feel.  This is a very emotional colour.  Lighter blues are connected with tranquility, inner peace, solace and grace, where indigo and darker blues are associated with deep, personal feelings.  These feelings can be a deep sense of connectedness, or a deep sense of being alone (depression).  Blue is the colour of healing and the emotions.


Planet: Moon, Neptune
Element: Spirit
Energy: Receptive/Yin

Purple is the color of royalty and respect.  Respectable pursuits are connected with the color purple, such as mind expansion through spiritual means, religion/spirituality in general, psychism, divination, intuition, the deep mind and selflessness.  Purple is connected to outer space and the unknown.


Planet: Moon; All
Element: All
Energy: All

White is pure like freshly fallen snow.  It is used for purity (of mind, body and spirit), protection, weight loss, cleansing the body of toxins and unhealthy habits, and exorcism.  White contains every color, so it can be substituted for any color.  White is a blank canvas upon which you can paint a beautiful life.


Planet: Saturn
Element: All
Energy: All

Black may be the absence of color, but is not the absence of magic.  Black represents the Mysteries, secrets and infinite wisdom.  From nothing all things come, and so it is with the color black.  Black is creation out of nothing.  Black is also used to banish anything from unwanted habits to unwanted circumstances.  It rids you of negativity and can help you when you feel stuck in life.


Planet: Moon
Element: Spirit, particularly Water
Energy: Receptive/Yin

Silver is a colour that is representative of the Goddess.  It represents the illumination of the Mysteries, divination, lunar magic and gifts of the Goddess.


Planet: Sun
Element: Spirit, particularly Fire
Energy: Active/Yang

Gold is a pure colour that represents the God.  It is symbolic of illumination and clarity of thought, insight, solar magic, and gifts of the God.  It represents knowledge, abundance and physical wealth.  

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